Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Quotidian Workout September 16, 2009

September 15, 2009

DL: 150% X BW X 10+
BP @ 100% X BW X 10 +
5 Rounds

500M Row

20 minutes aerobic exercise

DL 285# 10, 10, 8, 8, 7
BP 250# X 1, 230# X 3, 225# X 3, 205 X 6, 2

500M: 1:54

20 mins - 5.5 mi (bike)

At this stage, the DLs are wearing out the frame too much for the BP's to be very productive in terms of gaining strength. The BPs are now meant just to provide a "push force" motion to counteract the heavy "pull force" work done on the DLs. It might be better to switch to dips and have a different BP focused workout going forward. I'll be happy to switch to that once i'm @ 315# on the DLs. 315 = 3 plates on each side. Let's not pretend that artificial milestones don't mean anything. They sure as hell do to me.  

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