Thursday, September 10, 2009

Quotidian Workout September 10, 2009

September 10, 2009

Run 2mi @ pace better than last 4 mile run

5 Hang Cleans +
5 Thrusters +
5 Sumo Deadlift Hi-Pulls
5 rounds (stop at failure)

Overhead Press  ("OHP") to failure (one set)
Row 500M
20 minutes of aerobic work

2 miles - 14:28
3 rounds of Manny completed at 120#
OHP @ 95# X 7
500M: 1:43.8 (drag factor 187)
5 miles - 17:08 (Bike)

I'm still not comfortable running with Vibrams, especially at the top end. However, the better your top end is the easier the intermediate level workouts. A sub 14:00 2 miles should be good next week. For the Manny workout I'm definitely not moving the weight up for a couple of weeks, till 5+ sets get done. 

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