Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Quotidian Workout September 15, 2009

September 15, 2009

500 M Row

Back Squat  6 - 8 reps +
Front Squat 8 - 10 Reps +
OHS 6 - 10 Reps +
Weighted Pull-Ups
3 Rounds
OHP (Failure)

500M: 1:42.5 (173 Drag Factor)

Back Squat: 235# X 5 X 3
Front Squat 135# X 6, 6, 8
OHS: 95# X 6, 5, 6
Pull-Ups: 7.5# 5, 4, 3

The front squats and OHPs are in service of increasing the back squat. However, a goal of one's BW for 15 reps on the OHS is a very worthy goal and a difficult one at that. Mark Rippetoe suggests (in #) 200, 300, 400, 500 for the overhead press, bench press, back squat and deadlift respectively as worthy goals for advanced athletes who are not Olympic lifters. I believe his suggestion was for an athlete with a BW of approximately 200#. So to translate: advanced strength goals for any enthusiast/athlete as a percentage of bodyweight would be 100, 150, 200 and 250 for the aforementioned lifts. Good luck. I'll be posting my numbers on those benchmark lifts around mid-October. I fully expect that my bench will exceed 150% and the OHP will be close. The back squat will lag and a 465# DL sounds cartoonish, honestly. Talk is cheap.

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