Friday, September 11, 2009

Quotidian Workout September 11, 2009

September 11, 2009

1mile run

Back Squat @ 225# X 8 - 10 +
Front Squat @ 135# X 8 - 10 +
Overhead Squat @ 95 X 8 - 10
3 rounds
30 minutes of aerobic exercise

1mi: 7:16
Back Squat 8, 7, 6
Front Squat 7, 7, 8
OHS 6, 6, 5
15 mins stairmaster + 15 mins bike
1000M: 3:51

If you take your resting heart rate/pulse in the morning and it's higher than normal it can indicate overtraining. I didn't check but definitely my enthusiasm to workout was minimal today. I find that lifting heavy weights is the best way to combat mental fatigue. My focuse over the next few months is to improve the following: back squat, bench press, deadlift and overhead squat. That's in descending order of importance. The end of the month will be a good time to see where I am. At the very least, my back squat should be stronger than my bench press, right now there about even. This is cause for amusement or consternation.

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