Monday, January 24, 2011

January 22 - 24, 2011

January 24, 2011

3 mi - 21:24 at 2.5% incline on a Precor 966i

Big 55

Bench Press @ 95#
Goblet Squat @ 50# (Dumbbell)
Box Jump @ 18"
Wide Grip Lat Pull-Down @ "85"
Hang Power Clean @ 95#

I ran short of time at the end. So after the round of 4 reps, I finished off with one set of 6 for all the exercises. I'm pleased to announce that I was able to get through this. This is a variation on a variation. Next time, I up the BP to 115# or 135#. Generally, I took 15s of rest between each round. My chest was not stressed by the work. The HPCs were hard but I got through. I think going up to 105# is as high as I should try. Also, I defer this work out for at least a week.

The original routine has bench press, goblet squat, box jump, *deadlift* and pull-ups. My pull is quite weak, so I wouldn't even get through 10. The point is to do 5 big movements that stress major systems, so an alternate dumbbell press would be inappropriate but an overhead press would be perfect.

It's been two days since I did Jonesworthy light and I have some soreness in my lower right back. My disc slipped on my *left* side and my hamstrings have been tight, but running has been unaffected. I think the lower back soreness has more to do with the DLs and the erging than any sort of triggering of a chronic condition.

January 23, 2011 (Sunday)

3 mi - 21:36 Woodway

Row 250M on a 1:30 interval
3 rounds (50s, 51s, 49s)

Dips/Burpees 10/1, 9/2, 8/3, 7/4

The run and the rowing really sap the legs.

January 22, 2011 (Saturday)

A variation of Gymjones' "Jonesworthy".
The real deal is 115% BW for DL followed by 25 box jumps on a 24" box - 3 rounds.
I slipped a disc in October 2009 after completing a 4th set of 315# DLs. That was the last time I did DLs. I've healed enough and done enough OHSs and HPCs that I felt I could take a risk.

185# x 10 DL
10 Box Jumps 18"
3 Rounds.

Final round was 15 Box Jumps. The next time I try this. I bump up to 205# (I weigh around 175# these days) and err on the side of conservatism when picking the box.

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