Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Rehab Workout 11-03-2009

November 3, 2009

Row 3000M 
10 minutes recumbent bike

IBP (4 - 8 reps) +
Lateral Pull-Downs
5 Rounds

Weighted Dips +

T-Bar Rows 
3 Rounds

Row - 1,500M 5:40 (pussied out on finishing the 3000M, 1:53.3/500m)

Bike - 2.85mi

IBP - 155# x 8, 205# 5,5,5, 185# x 7
LPD - 100 x 10, 8, 8, 150# x 5, 100# x 8
WDips 55# - 5, 5,5
T-Bar Row 70# 6, LPD 100# x 10, 130# x 7 

The IBPs were very strong, relatively speaking. Perhaps by the end of the year I can hit 225# for 10 reps. I'll switch to regular presses where the goal is to do multiple reps of 315#. That is not a year-end goal, though!

November 1, 2009

I had an epidural steroid injection this morning. The procedure was 15 minutes and used guided fluoroscopic equipment. It wasn't painful at all and I didn't have a lot of discomfort in the evening. We'll see how the weakness in my left calf and ankle dissipates. I'll know I'm good when I can do hang power cleans again. I give it a month. Obviously, today was a rest day.

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