Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Quotidian Workout 8-26-2009

August 26, 2009 (186.2#)

Row 500M @ 2:00 split (Splits are always time per 500M; 500M is a “piece”)
50/50 workout
500M = 1:43
265# DL X 10, 10, 9, 9, 8
Barbell Bench Press (“BBP”) 245# X 3, 225# X 5, 205# X 7, 185# X 6, 5

The purpose of the row is to galvanize the body since I go straight into DLs >133% X BW. I came out way too fast (first 250M at 1:35 pace) and tamping down on the back half doesn’t really take the sting out of the legs. The lack of snap in the legs caught up with me in the 3rd set of DLs.

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