Monday, December 28, 2009

Rehab Workout 12-28-2009

10 minute run (1.34 mi)
10 minute recumbent bike (2.92 mi)

2 x 20 Goblet Squat @ 50#

Pull-up Ladder 1 - 6 (1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 3)
Hyperextensions 6 x 6

2 x 10 @ 135# Bench Press
2 x 10 @ 95# Lateral Pull Downs

~200# Bench Press x 10(225# x9, 215 x 2, 200# x 6, 175 x 6, 6)
~115# Lateral Pull Downs x 10 (8 x 5)
~50# Goblet Squat x 15 or Front Squat @ 135# x 10
30 sec rest
5 Rounds

KTE x 5 - 10 (whatever you can do, I did 4 apiece)
Machine or Dumbbell Flyes x 8 - 10
4 rounds


Sunday, December 27, 2009

Rehab Workout 12-27-2009

I saw a guy in the gym doing 65# hammer curls while standing. Umm, he may have used momentum a little bit, but nothing dramatic. Very impressive. Onto what I did.

Treadmill 20 mins/2.33 mi
Recumbent bike: 5 mins: 1.70 mi

Front Squat/Push-Press ("Thrusters") @ 95# 5 Sets+
1 minute rest (5, 10, 7, 10, 5)

Close Grip Bench Press @ 135#+ (9, 7, 6, 6)
Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls @ 95# (5, 7, 7) 115# x 5
1 minute rest (4 rounds)

The workout feels harder than it actually reads and compared to what the blokes at Crossfit are doing it's pretty easy. Oof. Baby steps.

Rehab Workout 12-26-2009

2010 is my year, baby. Time to get fit and fat free. The herniated L5S1disc is mostly recovered but their is still attendant sciatica which I can kick. A microdisktectomy is definitely in the future as long as my ex-CFO can sort out COBRA . On to the regimen. 

20 minute Woodway Run (2.4 mi)

Alternate Dumbbell Curls +
Overhead Presses +
Rest 1 minute

Incline Alternate Dumbbell Curls +
Lateral Raises +
Rest 1 Minute

ADCs (60# 8, 4, 3, 2, 2) (70# X 7)
OHP (115# X 7, 5, 3, 105# X 6, 3) (n/a)

IADC (35# 5, 5, 7, 5, 5) (50# x 10)
LR (15# 7, 7, 8, 10, 9) (20# x 10)

I'm pretty sure that in 1999 I was stronger on every single exercise I did, with the exception of the OHP which I only started doing in 2009. To this day I've never seen anyone else in a NYSC do an OHP. I rarely see deadlifts or any sort of cleans. I've put what I recall my 1999 #s in red font. My shoulders have always been the red headed stepchild of my upper body. That changes in '10.